Smith Bungalow

Friday, April 28, 2006

Concrete Jungle, Part II

We were already aware that there was a lot of concrete used to construct various features in the backyard (patio stones, borders, walls, etc.). We had no idea how MUCH concrete was used in the backyard, until we started smashing and digging...

Here is what we are dealing with:

Backyard as of January 2006

The Old Clothesline Posts

Initially it looked like we had two concrete pads per one existing clothesline post (an old one with a rotted post stump, and a new one with the current post). Then we started digging, and found out that the new and old posts were connected. What to do? When you can't break it into smaller parts, dig a big hole and bury it.

Christopher Digging in the Trench

Buried Clothesline Post

The Front Patio Walls

We started dismantling the walls of the patio closest to the house last fall. We are now down to the foundations, which literally are concrete foundations poured deep into the ground:

JDS Attempting to Conquer the Concrete

WHY?!?!?!?! Only the dearly departed Mr. McCaskey knows. What to do? Smash 'em into smaller pieces with sledgehammers!!

Another Massive Piece of Concrete to Destroy and Remove

The Back Patio Walls

We've affectionately referred to these as the gingerbread house walls. But no gingerbread house in the world is reinforced like these babies!

Smashed Back Patio Wall

Wow. Metal bars and heavy-duty wire mesh. And I thought it was fun to study concrete in school. I had no idea what we'd be dealing with years later. What to do? Smash it with sledgehammers!! Then use a wirecutters and sawzall to help dismantle (thanks Reyners!).

The Boys

Mystery Concrete

While digging out the clothesline post near the garage, we discovered a solid concrete pad buried 3-4 feet down which is partly on our property and partly on our neighbors' property:

Mysterious buried concrete pad

WHAT THE ...? Resting place of Jimmy Hoffa? Bomb shelter? Who knows. What to do? Re-bury it!!

The Last of the Jungle Plant

Finally, the removal of the stump of the infamous jungle plant...

The Boys Ripping Out the Jungle Plant Stump

Thanks to all our family and friends who came over for a solid day of demolition on 4/23... you all rock.

Witness the destruction:

Piles O' Rubble

Destructo Yard - Piles O' Rubble

We have to finish dismantling one more area of buried concrete wall foundation at the planting bed near the house, and the small part of remaining gingerbread house wall. Then it's dumpster time!!

Concrete Jungle, Part I

The Great Backyard Remodel of 2006 has officially begun. The projects are many, the hours to spend working on them are few. But here we go...

Major Project #1: New Sidewalk

We got bids from three concrete contractors for tearing out and replacing our side walkway from the public walk back to the alley. One contractor's bid came in significantly lower than the other two, and the reviews on Angie's List were good, so we went with him. Of course, the price went up a little when we decided to do a more significant widening of the walk between the front and back fencelines.

Here's a before picture:

Backyard as of January 2006

Construction begins:

Jimmy D admiring the gravel

Sidewalk Construction

It took about a week for the entire tearout, formwork and gravel, and pouring to happen. Here are the results (oooooh... aaaaah...):

New Sidewalk

New Sidewalk

New Sidewalk

New Sidewalk

Thanks to Macon Builders!!

One project down, many more to go. More about the backyard in a separate post...