Tuesday, January 24, 2006

More on HVAC Issues

Like I've said in previous posts, we're debating whether we should install central air or just baseboard heat in the upstairs of the house. We've had a couple of estimates so far, and still want to get another place or two in to check things out. We were basically told by both contractors that because the way our dormers are set up upstairs, a UNICO system is the more practical way to go. Another general problem we have is that we don't really have an attic, so there is an issue about where to put the blower unit. And where to run some of the piping. One contractor suggested that we run piping across the ceiling of the central hallway upstairs and build a drop ceiling to cover it up. 'Cause we don't have enough drop ceiling in the rest of the house.

I've seen a few good posts on HouseBlogs sites about installing a/c in old houses:

(See http://www.oldmanstreet.com/blog/?cat=2
and http://www.houseinprogress.net/archives/000610.html
and http://www.houseinprogress.net/archives/000698.html
and http://www.houseinprogress.net/archives/000922.html.)

At this point, we're taking a pretty "wait and see" approach to making a decision about this. The prospect of putting holes in walls and ceilings really freaks me out, especially with all the plaster in our house. But I also like the prospect of having whole-house temparature comfort year-round, and being able to check the "has central a/c" box when we sell the house someday.



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